Monday, November 16, 2009

Sweating problems?

heyy... im 14 and i

have a super bad sweating problem..

like iivee tried 4326million different knds of

deoderant but none work.

and i cant even wear a cute t-shirt without

being self contious about horrible sweat marks.


Sweating problems?
I'm so glad you asked. I've been dying to answer this question.

I used to have a sweating problem so bad that I didn't even like leaving the house.

I went to the doctor and she perscribed this stuff called drysol.

you put it on like 2-3 times a week before you go to bed and it is freaking AMAZING!

I don't sweat at ALL anymore. Even when I'm working out!

Just go ask your doctor about it. You will never have to worry about it again.
Reply:Hey you shave under your arms too much? Cause sometimes if you do that then it can make you sweat way more and nothing oyu can do can stop it.

If it continues then go to your doctor and he/she might be able to give you medication for it.

Hope it gets solved

Reply:Talk to your doctor, sounds like "hyperhydrois" . There is help for you.
Reply:ok me too i had the same problem. Go to walmart or CVS and get the deodorant called ultra dry or certain dry! it works wonder just make sure you read the directions. You put it on at night so it shrinks your pores over night, but you cant put it on right after shaving and bathing. Best of luck!

thats all you need.

use it every night for four days.

then every other night for 2 weeks.

then you can start to taper off, i only use it once a month now.

it's amazing, your life will change, mine did!

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