Monday, November 16, 2009

Golfers sweating like a waterfall and anabolic steroids?

My goodness, I know it was hot at Southern Hills, but did you see how much a few of the players was sweating? There was one who really stood out. His pants were looked like they came out of a washer.

I didn't see many other golfers or their caddies (who lug around 30+ lb. golf bags) sweat like that from head to toe. This player's sweating just looks so much heavier than anyone else. Everyone was playing in the same heat.

I know a bunch of you will call me an idiot, but I think there are guys on tour taking steroids. I think Gary Player is a golfer of great integrity and I believe him more than any current tour pro. I also don't see why people ridiculed him for giving his insight.

Profuse sweating is also a sign of anabolic steroid use. Go look it up. You'll find many admitted steroid users talk about their abnormal sweating.

Golfers sweating like a waterfall and anabolic steroids?
Thats a good observation, and I know what you mean about Gary Player and the accusations of steroid use. I too think that some of the players are using steroids, and hearing Player say that he has talked to some is more reinforcement.
Reply:Today the temp was 100+ if you don't sweat you're dehydrated.Don't jump to conclusions, heat affects people in different ways, I sweat profusely and I'm not on any type of drugs.Sunday,seems to be an awfull lot of steroid users out there,Woods and the rest, they are all sweating. You need to remove your stupid question.
Reply:with the heat index its over 109 (and very humid) out on the golf course...have you ever played in heat like that...of course youre going to sweat, its your bodys way of trying to cool you off...this is a goofy post...
Reply:There may be golfers on steroids, but sweating isn't really an indication of it. Different people sweat differently, different fabrics show sweat more than others and certain colors do as well.

Even as a kid I sweat a lot more than others, but there were a couple of us that did sweat more for the same amount of work. 100+ degrees with high humidity means they all are sweating if they aren't dehydrated, it just will show on some more than others.
Reply:a properly hydrated body sweats when it is on the verge of over-heating - a person who does not sweat is dehydrated - I wouldn't necessarily link sweating to steroid use or all of the players in the NBA who sweat like they just stepped out of the shower are on the juice - John Daly was drenched with sweat, do you really think he takes steroids? As far as Gary Player, I love the Black Knight BUT why did he come out and say something like "I know for a fact here are players on steroids" and then not back it up with fact? Why bring it up unless you are willing to tell the whole story? Retief Goosen actually bad mouthed Gary Player for the way he handled himself during the whole steroid thing - Gary Player and Retief Goosen are both from South Africa and Retief grew up looking up to Gary - if he came out and said Gary was out of line, I'm gonna have to say he is right - are there players on the PGA Tour who do steroids and hgh and other banned things in other sports? It would be naive to say no but don't talk out your asss with "I know a guy who said blah blah blah but I can't tell you who it is..." total BS
Reply:Its true that the players were sweating like pigs, but I play golf here in ca and know the its hard and makes you sweat. Steroids make you big golfers aren't that big there strong but

they train different now that's all.

People who take roids look like wwf wrestlers freaks really Sergio, woods, goosen El's you think they take steroids?
Reply:my goodness, gee golly, I think if I even tried to stay outside and exercise in that kind of weather, I"d dump water on myself too, in order to try to stay cooler.
Reply:I sweat on the course like a horse - I change clothes at the turn and where I play it's like Southern Hills. I go through 5 gloves a round and still look like I got pushed in the river at the end of 18. My feet squish when I walk down the 18th.

I don't know if steroids are really used. And I'm not arguing with you but I really don't know. I wonder if it is really that big of an advantage. Driving is the only place where you can really see a difference - I think it's more to do with equipment and general fitness. If you are 200 yards out, does it make a difference if you use a 5 iron or a 6 iron? (or in my case, my 3 wood) These guys can hit all the shots and since so much of the game is on or within 100 yards of the green, I don't think steroids would prove helpful. I don't see putting being improved.

These guys are smart - they know (as we all do) the long term effects of steroid use. But then when the winner's purse can easily be a million bucks...

But an interesting question. And, you know, I wish we didn't even have to consider this stuff, but such are the times we live in.
Reply:Have you ever been in the Arkansas river valley where Tulsa is located? To say Hot and Humid is the understatement of the year. If you are properly hydrated in those conditions you are going to sweat profusely. Not that I totally discount the potential for steroid use...there is nothing that I saw on Saturday that would indicate their use at all.......Heck I did not play and stayed in the shade as much as I could and I was ringing wet clear down to my undershorts......and no I don't use steroids either lol
Reply:Steroids are not a part of golf. Everybody sweats when its 100+ outside. Some sweat more than others.

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