Alright, so since puberty I suppose, I've been really bad for sweating, mainly around my armpits. I'm an average weight 20 year old white male with no major medical issues that would cause this, but I sweat even when I'm cold. Is there anyway to get this to stop or any method I can approach where it's less obvious? I wear undershirts and the strongest anti-antiperspirants I can find but they don't work. I have to wear black or white just to keep it from being noticed, which sucks because I get deodorant stains in the black shirts and yellow stains in the white.
I'm sure it probably has something to do with nerves or stress or anxiety or something, but what can I do to stop the sweating or at least make it less obvious?
This sucks! Help!!!
Sweating a lot! WHY!?
you are just a sweater :)
Reply:This might be a condition that you just developed called diaphorisis i think. (meaning excess sweating from your sweat glands). You should go seek the help of a doctor. they have this injection where they can give you under ur armpits which will help stop that excesss sweating.
Reply:as long as you are meticulous with your hygiene, you will have less to be concerned about- sweating ALWAYS calms with age so try not too worry or dwell on this.YOUR 20 !! lucky young you! have fun and enjoy life! botox injections-work for something like 3 months as a last resort.
Reply:get your doctor to prescribe you a special anti-perspirant and deodorant to help it. you are not alone though...many people get that and i think that it is either you are really stressed out or scared or anxious. you probably have an extra sweat gland.
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