Friday, November 20, 2009

Is sweating/perspiring A LOT and quickly normal? Any concerns?

Everytime I work out, even if for 5-10 minutes at what would be considered a moderate level, or if I play basketball for just 10 minutes I sweat A LOT, like dripping wet, soaked. I mean not at normal levels to most people I see at the gym. The sweat does not really smell or have odor, just a lot of prespiring. Drink plenty fluids, shower often and have better than good hygiene. I would like to know if this is normal, if there should be any health concerns and is it a good or bad thing? What can I do to help subside some of the sweating.

Is sweating/perspiring A LOT and quickly normal? Any concerns?
there is medictated deoderant you can get from doctors.......or you could go through a surgery to get the nerves that make you sweat cut. your choice...?
Reply:everyone is different.Dont sweat it (lol hahaha)

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