Friday, November 20, 2009

Calories burned when sweating?

Do you burn more calories when you sweat more then you would doing the same thing and not sweating as much, like for insteads if im mowing the lawn in 30 degrees and dripping sweat do i burn more then i would if i was mowing the lawn in 15 degree weather and not sweating so much?

Calories burned when sweating?
Well think of this, sweating is only the body's way of cooling off itself. It's like how you can sit outside in 100 degree weather and sweat like crazy but be burning hardly any calories because you are doing nothing. I bet you'd actually burn more calories if you are outside mowing in 15 degree weather, especially if you are cold because then your body is having to burn energy to keep you warm. If by some chance you did burn more calories by mowing while it's hot, it would be so small it would not even be noticeable!
Reply:The difference between the two is marginal. You really wouldn't burn enough calories while sweating to be noticeable.
Reply:The difference is marginal. Unfortunately, the sweat has to come from a hard workout to effectively burn calories.

asparagus fern

Is sweating while feeling cold a symptom of a fever?

I run cross country, and today we were running 5 miles.

I had a fever a few days ago, but it might be coming back.

The temperature was 76, and I was running in sweats.

I felt cold, but the coach saw that I was sweating A LOT on the back of my shirt.

Is sweating / feeling cold a symptom of fevers?

Why does this happen to the body?

Is sweating while feeling cold a symptom of a fever?
you definitely have a fever. the sweating(and fever in general) is your body's way of trying to burn out the bad stuff. get some rest and plenty of vitamin C and drink lots of liquids. Feel better!
Reply:yea man - your sweating n stuff cause your body is trying to cool off - mother nature do your job!!!!!!
Reply:Yes it's a symptom of fever.

Is sweating/perspiring A LOT and quickly normal? Any concerns?

Everytime I work out, even if for 5-10 minutes at what would be considered a moderate level, or if I play basketball for just 10 minutes I sweat A LOT, like dripping wet, soaked. I mean not at normal levels to most people I see at the gym. The sweat does not really smell or have odor, just a lot of prespiring. Drink plenty fluids, shower often and have better than good hygiene. I would like to know if this is normal, if there should be any health concerns and is it a good or bad thing? What can I do to help subside some of the sweating.

Is sweating/perspiring A LOT and quickly normal? Any concerns?
there is medictated deoderant you can get from doctors.......or you could go through a surgery to get the nerves that make you sweat cut. your choice...?
Reply:everyone is different.Dont sweat it (lol hahaha)

Stop sweating and start living book not working?

on friday i started useing the tips in the book stop sweating and start living. i have hyperhidrosis and ive tried EVERYTHING and so i was hoping this book would work. for some reason it seems that i sweat more. does this mean it's working? is it like releasing sweat glands or somthing? can you please tell me what i'm doing wrong?

Stop sweating and start living book not working?
The first thing you're doing wrong is reading Ramsey's book. He has no medical knowledge, his publication of the book is sketchy at best (having people print it out themselves), and his ideas hold no medical or physiological logic (pun intended).

Go see a doctor. I know the medical community can be frustrating- I have my share of issues with it. I have eczema- a diagnosis of we-can't-figure-anything-else-out-so-we'... But ultimately, advice is best taken from a professional rather than some random person. I've had all manner of home remedies suggested to me for my skin and while the concern is appreciated- I leave things up to the pros.

As an aside- here's a review of Ramsey's book, it's rather interesting:


k even though its 30 degress outside, ofcourse u sweat, but I sweat alot, NOTICEABLY alot, but all the sweat comes from my face only! which sux , cuz thats what everyone looks at!

I also sweat when I'm nervous and i am nervous cuz I'm a new student in a new school, is there any methods or breathing excersizes, or something i should eat or drink to help me from sweating sooo much!

My husband is exactly the same but he really is bad!

If you ask your doctor they will point you in the right direction. They tell you what is best for you instead of in general.

He sweats changing a light bulb.........Literally!

Hope you find something.
Reply:take daily vitamins and use morning burst face scrub and moistrizer


Excessive sweating and etc.?

I am a 26 year old female. Before I turned 21, I never perspired. Be it on a hot summer day, in a sauna, at the gym, or (hell, I'll say it) even during sexual intercourse my heart rate would go up and I would feel hot but not even a single drop of sweat would appear anywhere on my body (so I never needed deodorants and, yes, all of my girlfriends were jealous). There was never any sign of dehydration so I just figured that I was very resistant to hot temperature and that my body was remarkably self-regulating.

Then came college, and with it, multitude of stresses, heavy partying, caffeine overloads, less than nutritious meals, shortened and irregular sleeping hours, a slight weight loss, bouts of depression, and seven more armpit hairs (making a total of 10 on each side). And somewhere along the way, I noticed myself sweating! It started out as cold sweats from my armpit which happened whenever I was working with a computer. I was a computer science major so this was nearly everyd

Excessive sweating and etc.?
I'm wandering it might due to a lot of stress in the college that has caused you automatic malfunction so you're easy to sweat and sweat a if you wanted to reduce the sweating you'd need to see your psychiatrist for anti-anxiety you'd need to adjust your schedule to reduce excessive activities and unhealthy get used to sleep early and get up early....and tell yourself this is all about you need to identify which events or persons caused you anxious in the past so you can face it to reduce the anxiety...
Reply:RELAX.......find a nice quiet place and drink a hot cup of tea........everytime you feel weird, just do this
Reply:It could be Hyperthyroidism. Symptoms are change in moods, excessive perspiration, heat intolerance, loose bowel movements (close to diarrhea), the hyperactivity can turn into extreme fatigue and depression. If you have any of the other symptoms I mentioned then I would go to the doctor about this and have your TH levels checked. It may be something else, like due to stress, but learn how to deal with your stress more effectively, take Yoga classes, try some breathing techniques, massage therapy, take time out for yourself, do something you like to do atleast once a week and see if you see an improvement (because your stress level will be down, if its not, then you know there is something else going on. Hope you find out what really is going on with you.
Reply:Don't worry. It is nothing major. I know of a creme kind of medicine that you can apply to the area where you are sweating the most and it eliminates it. It is really good, too. It worked for me. You can e-mail me for more info if you want. :)

Is Sweating sexy?

My ex girlfriend says sweating is "Hot." (please refrain from posting your comments about the pun on words).

Is it "Hot" or Sexy when a man sweats? I sweat my a$$ off.

Is Sweating sexy?
When my man sweats during sex, I LOVE IT. Cause it shows me he's working hard. The way it looks just OMG so sexy! But thats just me :)
Reply:It IS, if it is during sex or whilst working out.
Reply:sweat puts off a scent that woman love, next time take her face and rub it in your hairy manly chest sweat she will love it
Reply:Women are attracted to the odor of men's sweat.
Reply:im sorry but for me its not exactly a turn on!!
Reply:Yeah, I think so.
Reply:If your woman likes it, then just go with it.
Reply:it can be unless your dirty and degenerate then its not sexy
Reply:hell no!

- anna
Reply:I like the smell of a woman whos just finished working out, theres just something about it.
Reply:If you sweat for no reason...NO.
Reply:Fresh sweat is nice for some reason.

2 Day-Old BO... NOPE!
Reply:hahaha... it is based to how do u look? if you r 'hot', everything what u do will be hot

but if u r nerd %26amp; ugly... i dun think so...
Reply:no not depends on what he is doing..if you are like a blue collar worker and working hard..and sweat is beaming down your face and bod..or during hot psaaionat nasty nasty kinky sex..then heck yeah..but if you are just sitting there and start to sweat then heck no its turn long as she loves you then no problem
Reply:As a man, I dont like it. I always feel that I am dripping sweat on my partners so most of the women I deal with will wipe me off. I dont like it when girl sweat either, because it is clammy. So my answer is no, it is not sexy.
Reply:It is but only during sex. I love having my man sweat during sex. It is a big turn on for me.
Reply:sweat contains pheromones which are detectable by this thing in our nose (near the top) which scientists used to think was an evolutionary artifact. Recent studies showed that it detected pheromones and it's what is emitted by guys which gives women a sort of subliminol message. the same thing is seen with animals all the time. Particularly mammals.

So yes, its sexy when a man sweats.
Reply:Through research, I have read that there is something about a mans sweat that actually stimulates women. Consider, it's body chemistry. I'd say that's extremely sexy.
Reply:Heavy sweating during hot sex can be a tremendous turn on. Two bodies slipping %26amp; sliding all over each other. Man! I sure do miss that.Plus I like a little scent on a women.
Reply:Yes, if it is while he is having sex or working out, but just to sweat while your doing nothing that is disgusting.

Does sweating make u lose weight?how can u sweat more?

im 17 years old and im 5'0 i weigh 97 pounds but i want to be 93 pounds that my goal weight for my height and age! i want to know if sweating makes u lose weight if so how can u sweat more ?cause i live in the high desert of california and right now its kinda cold but the summers are very extremely hot! so tell me what to wear when i go jogging and what kind of diets to try out to reach my goal and maintain it!

please no rude or cruel jokes ! please take this serious!

Does sweating make u lose weight?how can u sweat more?
Sweating makes you lose weight, but not necessarily mass. You'll be practically the same size after sweating, but may weigh less.

The real way to lose mass is to eat less, or exercise more. I mean, you can eat a meal, not until you are full, and if you still feel hungry, that hunger feeling is burning more calories than anything. I'm speaking from experience. When I was a kid, I was more concerned with playing outside and stuff, and so I never finished a meal, and never cared if I was hungry. As an adult I can see myself not allowing myself to have that feeling of hunger for too long. I tend to satisfy it near immediately, and that's probably why I've gained 15 pounds in 6 months.
Reply:No only exercise does, and controlling your calories.
Reply:Sweating does not make you lose weight, it makes you lose Water weight.

Water weight is dangerous to lose in some situations.

Just keep exercising and dieting.

It seems like you're a perfect weight, though.
Reply:Runing and sauna
Reply:Sweating only makes you lose water weight and it's only temporary. If you want to lose weight, cut down on food intake and get more exercise.

You may also want to eat more smaller servings a day so increase your metabolism. Instead of 3 large meals, have 6 smaller meals throughout the day instead.

Hyperhidrosis?? or Excessive Sweating??

I have had this condition for as long as I remember, It only affects my underarms, but I will sweat heaps whether it be a cool day or hot, and am sick of always having to wear black tops to try and hide this problem (my friends started joking and calling me a goth) I went to my doc and all he could suggest was Surgery (which he said is quiet painful, expensive, risky, may cause other areas to start sweating or not even work at all) or Botox every three months (way to expensive!!).. I had found a deodorant called dryclor that worked quiet well that you apply every night before sleeping (it has 20% aluminium or something to stop the sweating) but as I am a female and have to shave/wax my armpits too this system is becoming quiet painful and leaving huge red rash's under my arms which is just as embarrasing as the sweat!! Does anything know of something else I can try that might be effective?? Please help I am getting desperate :(

Hyperhidrosis?? or Excessive Sweating??
I have hyperhidrosis too. I have the problem on my hands, feet, armpits, trunk, and buttox. I don't want to get botox injections because they are expensive and you have to get them somewhat frequently. (And you can only get them in your hands, feet, and armpits.) And not only that, Botox is botulism that you inject!! (That scared me)

I bought a book with some tips in it. The first one for underarm sweat is to buy a natural loofah and scrub under your armpits. I did this and it worked! Not all loofahs work, so look around and find one that is right for you. It took about a week and a half for me to stop sweating. And loofahs are cheap and they last about 2 months. (Get them at Walgreen's or walmart etc...)

And secondly, you must stop using deodorant with ALUMINUM!!! This clogs the pores and causes sweating. If you still have odor problems, then buy a deodorant without aluminum. So you'll have to get a deodorant WITHOUT and antiperspirant. I found a women's deodorant be Adidas that is good. It uses cotton something or other. But the deodorant has to be transparent. Not all deodorants work.

And natural sage is supposed to stop 80% of sweating too. So go to a health foods store and ask them how to make sage into a tea. But be careful because sage can be toxic if taken wrong.

I've looked into other ways to stop sweating and tied a couple myself. I went to my doctor and he prescribed Drysol. This is 100% aluminum (almost) and it hurts like crazy! I used that for a while and then stopped because I don't want to get alzhimer's. Then he prescribed Rubinol (a pill) that is used in surgery to stop spit and sweat. These pills cost a fortune! And I basically had no spit (miserable). But I did stop sweating completely.
Reply:I just started taking a pill called Rubinol. I don't know if it works yet, but I have to take it because my insurance denied me for Botox.

china lily

What causes sweating in collarbone and trapezius (upper shoulders/lower neck area) when i sleep? nowhere else?

Not sweating like when I work out - armpits, center of back, breastbone areas. No head or forehead sweating. Just a thoroughly wet shirt every night from sweating in my collarbone area and across my neck muscles to my upper back (above shoulderblades). Almost presents in the area I picture bubbles show when you have the benz (bends?) when scuba diving.

Only occurs when I sleep. When i work out, i do not sweat in these areas very much.

Any thoughts appreciated. Thank you.

What causes sweating in collarbone and trapezius (upper shoulders/lower neck area) when i sleep? nowhere else?
It might have something to do with the heat being on in your room plus too many blankets on the bed and the way your body is laying on the pillow. The combo of heat and the pillow may be what is making you sweat, Sleep naked too...that always helps.

Driclor / dryslor sweating?

when using driclor/drysol or similar, what are the effects? when you've used it on armpits, do you sweat at all, like when doing sport like football will you sweat at all? also, are the effects reversible or are the sweat pores blocked forever? ...

also, does your body start sweating form other places to compensate? Any one had any bad experiences with it?...thanks in advance for any answers!!

Driclor / dryslor sweating?
Hi i have the same problem, I have tried so many products to avoid the over sweating... even prescription ones...and the only one that works great, I mean its super its a product called maxim antiperperant, its safe and could be used anywhere. its also very cheap, worth a try since i know it works.

and as long as you apply it a few times a week, you wont sweat in the area you apply it at... but once you stop applying the sweating comes its not permanent, but it does help if you use it often. compensatory sweat can happen when u block sweat pores, at least for me i sweat more in the face after i had my sweat glands removed from under my arms. but anyway this maxim is very very good. the drysol made my underarms stinky and sticky feeling..

How can I stop sweating so much?

I sweat all the time, mostly on my palms and the soul of my feet.

Even a simple task of writing a letter or doing my homework makes me sweat. I'm sweating right now, as I'm typing this. I sweat oh sooo much.! I'm 12 and I weigh 80 pounds, so I don't really think that it is beacause of my weight. So how do I stop sweating alot?

I've tried deodorant; they don't do any good. Thanks!

How can I stop sweating so much?
You can consult with your doctors for shots or surgery (they poke a hole underneath your armpit, and you will have two holes on your armpit forever). You might stop sweat on your palms or feet with the method above, but you will experience more sweat elsewhere on your body. Sweating acts as a cooling system for your body, so you will never get rid of it. My best advice for you while doing your homework, is to lay a sheet of paper in between your writing hand and your homework. It can filtre for your sweat before it reach to your homework assignment. Also, try to use pen to avoid smudge (on your palm and on paper). Once you are get older, your sweat won't bother you as much. Your homework assignment will mostly become digitial. And eventually, you won't be embarrass to show off your sweat with your friends. It's part of your growing up life!!
Reply:try meditating and relaxing yourself and your mind, then you will be able to control your body's reactoin to the environment. I believe it is because of stress/stimulants in the environment
Reply:you cood ask a doctor or ive heard rubbing powder on those spots will help
Reply:Do you eat alot of meat? Try cutting back. It is not weight. It could be hormonal. It will pass.
Reply:My cousin actually has the same problem. I remember when he was dancing with my sister, after he removed his hands from her hips, her dress was covered in sweat!

You actually should go to the doctor and get their opinion on it. They can also prescribe you certain medication to help stop the perspiration.

My cousin was offered a shot to stop the sweating, but they warned him that the sweating could start to occur somewhere else. So he decided just to live with it.

But basically I suggest for you to go to the doctor and see what you can do.
Reply:Well, there is a surgery available for that...but you are a bit young... In the meantime, you could try baby powder in your shoes. As for your palm, just keep wiping them down... I know it is embarrassing, but you should talk to your doctor and see when you can have the surgery and if it's covered by your insurance.
Reply:I am sorry to say that it is constitutional. You can temporarily stop that on your palms, soaking them in salty solutions. For your feet it will be the same. I don't recommend surgery.

And don't forget to be in cooler areas. Our buildings are heated too much. Too much heat is not good for you.

oyster plant

My wife has a sweating problem. How do you get sweat stains out of whites?

My wife has a sweating problem. How do you get sweat stains out of whites?

Are there any good products that stop underarm sweat or at least minimize it? My wife sweats alot under the arms and it stains her white shirts. Any help would be great! thank you.

My wife has a sweating problem. How do you get sweat stains out of whites?
try using an antiperspirant with natural ingredients

some times the ingredients cause the stainespecially clear ones

also try using sweat shields in the shirts

they look like little shoulder pads wore under the arm

when all else fails there are prescription antiperspirants for serious sweating problems

to remove the stain pour a small amount of white vinegar and gently scrub

allow to sit for 30- 60 minutes and wash as usual
Reply:Your wife can try Mitchum antiperspirant. As far as the stains on her shirts, try posting that question in another more appropriate category.
Reply:My friend had a similar problem... went to the doctor and got prescription anit-perspirant.... give it a try- it worked for her.

I use Maxim, it works.
Reply:buy special bleech

How can i stop sweating so much?

i sweat so much when it's hot out, even if i'm just sitting there. the backs of my legs sweat, my armpits sweat, but especially my back sweats. oh, and my face. i use deodorant, take a shower every day, and i'm not fat at all (5'4" and 108 pounds) so its not like i'm sweating from being out of shape or anything like that. idk what to do! help?

How can i stop sweating so much?
get a better antiperspirant
Reply:move to a colder climate
Reply:ask your physician
Reply:I use the over-the-counter "prescription strength" deodorants Certain Dri and Secret Prescription Strength. Also, in the summer I use tons of baby powder after my shower and before I go out. Anywhere you sweat, baby powder will help.
Reply:This actually nothing at all to worry about, EVERYONE will get a sweaty back and legs when it's hot out, you can only blame the weather. And it is not a problem to sweat when your sitting down because to be honest, not doing anything when its hot only makes you hotter and sweat more, it may sound crazy but its true. And when your face sweats, in a way, it can be good for you because it releases alot of oil out of your face which can later lead to breakouts, just be sure to wash your face when you can.
Reply:i have/had excessive sweating.

but it was mostly on my armpits.

sometimes on my hands if they were closed or holding someone/thing else tightly for a while.

Certain Dri works WONDERS. i got it a week ago.

it works.

but since you seem to be sweating EVERYWHERE, your best bet is a doctor.

its not that embarrassing. if you have a physical coming up, bring it up to your doctor then, or just call them.

be careful, though, because they might try to jip you into getting a million tests.

just get some more info.

:) hope i helped.
Reply:i am not realy answering the questions, i also have the same problem, so i really really need help.

Sweating Problems...?

Ok im 14 years old and i have a problem with sweat marks. I know everyone at this age is going through puburty and all this crap, but like mine is really bad. I wear deodorant, obviously and i have tried different brands and kinds of deodorants, but i cant seem to get rid of the wet marks. Its pretty bad too. Like when i pick out my clothes, i have to plan it around having a jacket that matches, becuase throughout the day when i sweat i end up wearing a jacket, just to cover up the wet marks, and sometimes they are really bad, to where i cant raise my hand in class, cause of the marks under my pits. What should I do.....its getting to the point where everything is revolved around my sweating issues..? Any ideas or suggestions??:(

Sweating Problems...?
Hi there--

First of all, you need to know that deodorants just make sweat smell pretty, and Anti-perspirants reduce the amount of sweat. So, ditch the deodorants, and always get APs.

OK, now for sweat 101: Extreme sweating in the armpits (aka axillary hyperhidrosis) can be treated easily by a dermatologist. There are new and effective treatments out there, so you totally don't need to deal with this all by yourself--and for much longer.

Go to the International Hyperhidrosis Society's web site, click on TEEN SWEAT and learn all about the condition (which, by the way affects 176 million people world wide, and is thought to be genetic), and the treatment choices you have. You can also find a doc there that is familiar with HH!

If you subscribe to their newsletter you'll know when there are new developments, and/or how to get free stuff too.

To treat underarm HH you basically have these options:

1.) Strong anti-perspirants (APs) like Secret Clinical Strength (used RIGHT makes all the difference: Apply before you go to bed (since you don't sweat as much when you sleep, this allows the AP to form a plug in your sweat duct while you sleep instead of your sweat washing the AP away before it has a chance to plug); Apply to a totally DRY underarm (this reduces skin irritation significantly). You can apply again in the morning if you want an extra boost.

2.) Botox: It's amazing. Lasts for at least 6 months (usually lots longer) and insurance often pays. And it doesn't really hurt.

3.) Combination of the above for the best (and most cost effective) plan for you.

Don't EVER consider surgery because of the crazy risks associated with it like "compensatory sweating" (massive sweating on large parts of your body) plus other serious complications that are way too common for my comfort level, and worse than HH. And don't believe the hype that it's reversible. There have been no reported, published cases of surgeries reversals being successful.

If you contact and ask for their Teen Sweat book, they will send it to you free. It has great info, tips and how-tos to make excessive sweat a thing of the past. Remember, there are no cures--YET. But there are good options to manage the sweatiness. Good luck fellow sweater! Now go get that book!
Reply:Why are you sweating throughout the day? Are you working out all the time or something? Anyway, maybe you could put tissues or something under your arms. I'm really not sure what you can do, but good luck finding a solution.
Reply:i saw on tv that they took pads and stuck them on the inside of their shirt, but if you dont want to try that, then i used this stuff last year called certain-dri, it works VERY well. i had the same problem last year, and this stuff was great! =]
Reply:deodorants are great for smell but anti perspirant is to help control the wetness

Sweating problems?

okay i have this huge problem with sweating..i sweat so freakin much and i dont know waht to do! i take showers everyday and use deodorant every day..almost all the time actually but i still i cant stope sweating! can someone please help??

Sweating problems?
i have the same problem

i went to the doctor and they said i might have a hormone inbalance but i didnt

so you should get that checked out

but they gave me this really good product

caled Drysol

i think you need a perscription.

anyway its amazing.

you never sweat

but dont apply it too much or itll burn really bad

and im not just one of those petty small spots under pits sweater

im talkin bout down the my chest.

soaked shirt kind of stuff.
Reply:Google "sweating disorder".
Reply:Try using baby powder.
Reply:wear a sweater
Reply:hmmm, mabz a sweating disorder, or mabz just usuing to much dioderant as it makes you sweat so much more if you use too much. Or mabz you stress to much about swaeting, you start to sweat. You can get like this thing, dunno what it is called though its like they put needles in your arm [doesn't hurt] too make you stop sweating and the more you do this the less you'll sweat.BUT it can get pretty pricey
Reply:I wished I knew what to do.... If you find out please e-mail me and let me know.... I sweat so bad it runs of my face......And my hair line is wet......@

My daughter had this problem when she was young; it's called hyperhydrosis, and it just means excessive sweating.

There was a great prescription anti-perspirant that our doctor prescribed for her; it worked fantastic, but she developed a rash from it. On to Plan B.

We went to a plastic surgeon, who actually removed some of the skin under her armpits. It was radical, but she was desperate. And it worked.

I wish there had been Botox at that time. Botox is now being used as an injection to combat excessive persperation, and it supposedly works great. If I were you Hon, I'd try the prescription antiperspirant first, and if that's not effective, see about the Botox. Best of luck you Dear, I know what you're going through!
Reply:Hey Sasha,

You have a fairly common problem called hyperhidrosis, which leads to excessive sweating. I have the same sweating problem, it's really a pain in the ***, like all the time and randomly. But don't worry, there's a lot of stuff out there for your sweating condition...

Drysol does sting and so does Maxim, don't use that stuff for your sweating problems. There's this stuff called MegaDry at that's specifically made to NOT sting or irritate. Try it for your excessive sweating problem, it works for me and some of my friends.

Whatever you do, don't get surgery, it's really dangerous and a lot of people get side affects from the surgery (like increased sweating in other places, etc.).

Anyways, good luck with your sweating problem and don't stress about it, it'll make it worse. Just put your mind on other stuff, don't let the sweating take over your life :)


Sweating a lot! WHY!?

Alright, so since puberty I suppose, I've been really bad for sweating, mainly around my armpits. I'm an average weight 20 year old white male with no major medical issues that would cause this, but I sweat even when I'm cold. Is there anyway to get this to stop or any method I can approach where it's less obvious? I wear undershirts and the strongest anti-antiperspirants I can find but they don't work. I have to wear black or white just to keep it from being noticed, which sucks because I get deodorant stains in the black shirts and yellow stains in the white.

I'm sure it probably has something to do with nerves or stress or anxiety or something, but what can I do to stop the sweating or at least make it less obvious?

This sucks! Help!!!

Sweating a lot! WHY!?
you are just a sweater :)
Reply:This might be a condition that you just developed called diaphorisis i think. (meaning excess sweating from your sweat glands). You should go seek the help of a doctor. they have this injection where they can give you under ur armpits which will help stop that excesss sweating.
Reply:as long as you are meticulous with your hygiene, you will have less to be concerned about- sweating ALWAYS calms with age so try not too worry or dwell on this.YOUR 20 !! lucky young you! have fun and enjoy life! botox injections-work for something like 3 months as a last resort.
Reply:get your doctor to prescribe you a special anti-perspirant and deodorant to help it. you are not alone though...many people get that and i think that it is either you are really stressed out or scared or anxious. you probably have an extra sweat gland.

Sweating-- I'm just sick of it. Could you help?

I'm a normal man with a normal physique. I have this small, yet so very much irritating problem of too much sweating. I had this trouble since my childhood. Many a doctors examined me. They say that it's just my nature and either it'll go away naturally or I have to bear it for the rest of my life. But recently it is becoming a hindrance in my field of job. I have to look my best on my representations. Now if my whole body starts pouring- you can imagine how embarassing that is for me. It's not that I'm nervy, but my clients are compelled to believe so. There are so many such kinds of situations that I have to face. My looks, appearence, my clothes and of course my image gets spoiled due to this excessive sweating.

Could you suggest me a way how I can control this and bring it to normal. I mean as much as a normal man should sweat.

Sweating-- I'm just sick of it. Could you help?
Well I have the same problem. I sweat even in winters. Just can't stand worm weather. It's absolutely disgusting. all I can suggest u is to get a posting at a place which is less humid. Actually it's humidity that causes sweating. Dry heat do not cause it. I do not sweat at dry places like Delhi or Chandigarh. But I suffer from the heat like any thing. I also take several baths a day with ordinary soap. That keeps the odour away since the stink is caused by bacterias which ordinary soaps can destroy totally. Consequently although I sweat a lot I never smell bad. Also try to switch to some other profession. Mail me at

if u can find out some effective method to stop sweating.
Reply:take tab celin 1 or 2 daily for 15 days,otherwise its not abnormal
Reply:I would suggest that you go to a major teaching medical center to an endocrinologist to be evaluated. Forget messing around with primary care physician's. There are always new things that come out.....Try It!
Reply:Probably you could try something like Yoga or Pranic Healing or Reiki. You may be sweating a lot due to a lot of tension. Try to keep yourself cool.

Use this stuff, and no, I am not a company paid lackey or representative. I too had really bad underarm sweat, I would just sit there and two hours into the day I had bad pit stains. I bought a bottle of this stuff and within two weeks I didn't sweat anymore. After about 3 months I think my body got used to it because it doesn't work as perfectly as it did before but it is still about a thousand times better than before. After I used the first bottle I went online and bought about 5 more. I believe you can use this stuff on other parts of your body as well.

The secret is to use it everyday for about a week and then slowly taper off until you are only using every few days.

Buy a bottle, I promise you will not be dissapointed.
Reply:This stuff really works!!! I had the same problem and this was the only thing that helped. I did not sweat AT ALL after a couple of weeks. I used it every other day then instead of every day, though. Hope it helps you!

By the way ... it continued to work and never stopped working. As a matter of fact, I don't even have to use it anymore! I don't sweat at all now. I use regular deoderant just for body odor but not for sweating.
Reply:You should have a bath in the morning as well as in the evening and also you have to be washing your face after the sweat has come out
Reply:friend-water balance in body done by kidney

if output from kidney is less than skin do this work.

plz drink too much water

u can use lotus seed powder for it

ur problem will be solve
Reply:if u r in india, u can buy himani navratna cool talc or some other like that. it keeps ur body cool. and dont forget to apply it on ur lunch hour. if u want a natural remedie, drink lots of tender coconuts and sugarcane juices. or at least drink lots and lots of water. i gess this will help. all th best.
Reply:Don't go in for any pills or medical remedies without consulting a good doctor. It might lead to complications later. Have a bath twice a day and try to stay in the shade if you are walking. Use eau de cologne or eucalyptus oil in your bath water. It will give a fresh feeling...
Reply:Sometimes excessive sweating is linked to diabetes. If you are worried, consult a physician and get a blood test before trying anything else.

Sweating really bad in the armpits. . . .?

Hey everyone. I'm 22 years old, and I'm suffering from a perspiration problem, which is really embarrassing in public, and ruins alot of my shirts. I sweat alot under my armpits and I'm very self conscious about it, to the point when I go out I try my hardest not to lift my arms up to expose the wet spots on my shirt.

I can be sitting in a room with a perfectly comfortable temperature, and then look at my shirt to find out that I'm sweating like a pig. It happens the most when I'm nervous. I'm in shape, so weight isn't the problem.

This only happens on my armpits, and I'm wondering if there is anything a doctor could prescribe to me that would fix the problem. I've tried all kinds of deoderants and not one has worked, even a little bit.

One weird tidbit, is about 6 years ago I was taking Prozac, and when I was I wasn't sweating hardly at all. I stopped taking Prozac because I felt I had no need for it, and when I did it started back up.

Sweating really bad in the armpits. . . .?
I am the EXACT same.

I'm 14 though, so it's probably just my age.

I'll have a shirt on for maybe 10 minutes and there will already be a HUGE sweat stain.

I use Perspirex, and it works REALLY well ... it doesn't COMPLETELY take care of it, but I'd say 70% or so.

It's $20. for a bottle, and lasts about 2 months ... get it at your local drug store. (I'm in Canada though, use Certain-Dri if you're American.)

or, as a last resort, you can get Botox, which will completely shut down your sweat glands.

Although, it costs about $500-$600 when all is said and done, and lasts for about 12 months ...

hope I helped ...
Reply:Sounds like over active sweatglands.
Reply:there's something called deodorant and just use that Prozac thing again if it worked
Reply:I believe that your doctor can prescribe you some extra-strength antiperspirant. I would talk to him about your concern.
Reply:i have the same i am using men antiperspirant,it seems to work should ask a doctor about this.he/she can give you best advise.
Reply:you can get botox injections in your underarms...

i've heard it works like magic
Reply:When you're at the deodorant aisle look on the top shelf (or perhaps a lower shelf) and find a different product. I cannot remember the name right now but you apply the liquid at night and it should help a lot. The product has a higher level of the stop sweating ingredient.
Reply:whenever you feel you start sweating, take deep breaths and walk (calmly, dont rush) go to a toilet, close the cubicle door and spray some deodrant or roll some under your arms. Wear a good deodrant every day and drink plenty of water. Make sure you let your armpits breathe, (wear vests instead of shirts), wear cotton and if things really get bad, shave the hair off.. nobody will know
Reply:Perhaps a table spoon of high strength liquid chlorophyll every day might help as it is an internal deodorant that deodorises your perspiration before it comes out of your pores.

It also has a cooling effect so you will perspire a bit less.
Reply:My advice would be to see a specialist/dermatologist! Also you might want to check this out! You'll be surprised how many treatment options are out there!

I hope this helps.

Sweating vs Non-Sweating? Drysol vs Sauna?

Is it bad to use Drysol (something to help you stop sweating under the armpits) and also use an infared sauna (which obviously is going to make you sweat)?

I use Drysol usually once, sometimes twice a week and I use my sauna everyday.

Sweating vs Non-Sweating? Drysol vs Sauna?
Sweating is a part of a person's natural body mechanisms and is a way for the body to regulate its internal temperature. There are many ways to control sweating and we have discussed only a few methods in this article. The nerves that control sweating depend upon a chemical transmitter called acetylcholine which is a molecule produced at the very ends of the nerve fibres. Individuals troubled by excessive sweating often do not respond adequately to antiperspirants, and they may not respond to (or be willing to tolerate) systemic medications, electrical treatments on the areas of excessive sweating, permanent destruction of the nerves which control sweating, or surgery (in the armpits) to either scrape away the sweat glands or to cut out the areas of excessive sweating. Drugs taken by mouth, such as phenoxybenzamine and propantheline, sometimes control sweating, and injections of botulinum toxin into the affected area diminish sweating. Botox can be used to control sweating of the underarms, hands, feet, forehead, and other body areas. The most common option used to control sweating is to use an antiperspirant. Modifying your behavior and your psychological environment (at home and at work) to lessen excessive stress will help you control sweating. Meditation:This is the best way to control sweating if not cure it completely. It is hoped that as more is learnt about the systems in the body that control sweating, better ways of controlling it will be found.


The reason why some people sweat more is not yet known, but it is known that sweating is controlled by the Sympathetic Nervous System. Get your nerves under control and you sweating will diminish. Most of the time you don't want to stop your sweating, you want to control it from getting out of hand. TreatmentExcessive sweating can be controlled to some degree with commercial antiperspirants. It seems that gel deodorants (Mitchum/Soft %26amp; Dri) are the only productsthat will control the odor for more than one hour (not long enough). While a deodorant masks odors, an anti-perspirant actually reduce andcontrol the perspiration and sweating. Conventional antiperspirants contain ingredients like aluminum chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate to control sweating by plugging up your sweat glands. Check the label; you'd be surprised at how many people think they're using an antiperspirant/deodorant, a product to help stop you from sweating, but are actually using only a deodorant, a product that only helps prevent odor--not control wetness. Botox, the popular injectable wrinkle remedy, also can be used to control sweating; injected into the skin, it temporarily paralyzes the sweat glands in the treated area. If drugs are not effective, a more drastic measure to control severe sweating is surgical cutting of the nerves leading to the sweat glands. Proper hygiene plays an important role in helping you control excessive sweating.


It is acondition that affects both men and women and usually begins duringchildhood or at puberty, but improves spontaneously for many people intheir mid-twenties or early thirties. Profuse sweating that occurs at times other than in hot conditions orafter exercise is usually due to a rare disorder called hyperhidrosis,marked by perspiration produced in abundance by overactive sweat glands. In addition, it may be helpful for you to avoid conditions of excessheat, and stay clear of diets that are too high in sugar, caffeine, andalcohol, because all of these may also contribute to your problem of vaginalsweating.


While only a doctor can prescribe or perform certain hyperhidrosis treatments, there are things you can do to help make excessive sweating less of a burden on your everyday life: Bathe daily to keep the amount of bacteria on your skin in check. Stress is known to enhance sweating and it would help you if you take regular de stressing treatments. Once you have received your treatments from the dermatologist you can purchase the equipment to give yourself treatments at home from that point on. To me it makes sense to start with the easiest thing and work your way up to the harder, more intensive treatments if you don’t get results. Frequent treatments are usually necessary tocontrol sweating. Bring the questions and your answers to your next doctor’s appointment, or use them as evidence of the seriousness of your condition if you need to convince your health insurance plan to cover your treatments. Excessive sweating can be treated by: Simple treatments, such as roll-on antiperspirants (eg driclor); A type of electrolysis (called iontophoresis); Medication, eg beta blockers or probanthine; Injection of botulinum toxin; Surgery (sympathectomy). Simple or medical treatments of excessive sweating might not control the symptoms, or they might induce intolerable side effects. Consultations: Consult a neurosurgeon if sympathectomy is necessary in severe cases of hyperhidrosis that are refractory to all other treatments. The treatments available are still far from perfect but do give hyperhidrosis sufferers an alternative to just putting up with the condition. Non-surgical treatments include medications, botox for palm sweating, anti-persperants, and iontophoresis. A number of different treatments and products are available to help people with severe underarm sweating.


Sweating problem?

Hey, I have a serious sweating problem. I'm a teenager and I have had hyperhydrosis (sweaty palms) ever since I can remember. I also have it on my feet. It is very embarassing and makes certain things harder for me to do. It is harder to write on paper and it is a huge distraction in the classroom. Recently I saw a doctor and he gave me drysol medicine samples to see if it worked. I tried it for 2 weeks and it didnt work so i stopped. also, for the last year or so i have gotten butt sweat, so when i get out of my seat, there are lines of wetness on the seat, i know its gross. can anyone help? the butt sweat thing is mortifying. thanks

Sweating problem?
If Drysol doesn't stop your sweating you've got it good. But some people have better luck with an OTC aerosol anti-perspirant, perhaps cause you're missing a key spot with the drySol. Don't overdue it, especially before you know how your skin reacts.

For the butt sweat, try a wicking fabric like underarmour, with a more absorbent pair of boxers over them. Look for thicker woven cotton fabric.

Good luck.
Reply:U will grow out of it

Sweating problem?

help! im supposed to be going out with my friends in 20 mins.

i have a bad sweating problem. i had a bath, put spray on deodorant and roll on deodorant and perfume deodorant. i fear my friends will notice a sweat patch cos im wearing a grey top. i dont want them to notice but i also want to wear my grey top. any ideas? please help. how do i get my sweating problem to go away? thanks

Sweating problem?
try talc, just a little
Reply:it doesnt seem possible in 20 minutes...

but when you have more time,perhaps visit a doctor
Reply:Sorry no fix right now, but go to boots (any chemist) and get some DriClor. You put it on before bed and it stops you sweating under arms. I had that problem years. OK now thanks to DriClor.
Reply:Well if you have only got 20 minutes theres not a lot else you can do other than risk it, or dont wear the grey top.

Have you got any baby powder? You could apply that over the deodorants. it might help.

There are special deodorants for people who sweat a lot, i found them to work, now i dont even use them and i dont have the problem anymore.

You should be able to get them in most chemists, places like that, and boots, superdrug etc.

The one i used to use is called triple dry.
Reply:I also sweat a lot. I find the more I get anxious about sweating the worse it becomes unfortunately.

I sometimes find putting cold water on my face helps cool me down.
Reply:I'd wear a different top, honestly. it doesnt matter how nice it is if it doesn't suit you for some reason.

I've found the best anti perspirant to be the mineral crystal ones. They REALLY work for some reason. But if you don't have one, try a bit of powder, and CALM DOWN. Worrying is just going to make you sweat more.
Reply:Use Talcum Powder, Corn Starch is also very absorbent. Wear a T-Shirt and if you already do, wear a thicker one. Now, I know this is going to sound silly, but if you really sweat that much, and you can hide these, try using maxi pads underneath your arm to absorb the sweat. Just make sure the adhesive is on tight cause you don't want to have pads flying out from under your arms while you are in the middle of some presentation....can you imagine, lol!
Reply:Try DRICLOR........... available in most chemists
Reply:Firstly, dont put on so much deodrants all at once! This will likely irritate your skin %26amp; make the problem much worse.

You could end up with rashes, and that is NASTY.

Stick to a antiperspirant deodrant. If you really want to wear your grey top, you can. But really you should choose a top with really short sleeves, so the air can get to your armspits..

I'm guessing you've already gone out with your friends, but next time you go out, try not to stress. Stressing gets you hot, therefore makes you sweaty.

Keep your deodrant with you, and when you feeling you're sweating, excuse yourself to the ladies bathroom and spray some on. Spray some perfume over your clothes too to help mask the smell if you do actually sweat, but can't do anything.

Good luck..


New York City babe xx♥


Sweating helps loose weight?

So sweating makes you loose weight right?

So if I am to ride my bike..and wear a sweat shirt...would that help me loose weight since i am sweating more?

Sweating helps loose weight?
it actually does. it gets your body heat up and so you sweat more therefor losing more weight
Reply:yes u wil lose more but its just water weight so as soon as u drink again or eat it will come back (only the weight u lost from the sweatshirt and not from riding ur bike)
Reply:well, you surely would.

but the weight that you'll lose is actually that of your body fluids (mostly from sweat)..remember that our body is made up of 65% water...

it doesnt mean that you got thin, you'll only gain the weight back when you drink water.

ride your bike a little farther..and eat lots of veggies and fruits..go easy on the desserts and soda..and you'll see results in two weeks.

Reply:Yes. provided that you do not rehydrate yourself after you workout, otherwise all you are doing is putting the back weight on.
Reply:Well yes and no. I mean, you're going to lose weight, but it'll be water weight. And you'll just be thirstier throughout the day and subconsciously drink back anything you lost.

I believe that wearing a sweater while you ride your bike will only increase the chance of you dehydrating, and passing out.

Coincidentally, passing out may also help you lose weight when you fall and cut yourself... unfortunately, this blood lost will be replaced by the doctors when your in the ER (so much like sweating, the bleeding will be a temporary weight loss)
Reply:you do but you are dehydrating yourself and will gain it back when hopefully you rehydrate yourself. riding the bike is good but you don't want to overdo the sweating as too much can cause syncope (passing out) due to a drop in your blood pressure from lack of fluid
Reply:No. Sweating only makes you lose potassium and sodium from your system. If you are breathing a little more than usual, like a fast walk, then you are losing body fat, but if you run, you are burning the carbs that you've taken in the last couple of days. You will regain the weight after your body hydrates itself. If you exercise for 30 to 45 minutes a day, you will lose weight.

Sweating problem? =(?

i am 14 years old, and i sweat like ALOT. i asked this before, but someone said i was probably just fat... im not!! i am 5'6'' and weigh 110.

but i sweat SO much that its like [and in only an hour] i have these HUGE dark rings on all my shirts. its gotten so bad that i feel soo uncomfortable that i wear jackets all the time or the color black.

i hate not being able to raise my hand or wear a colored shirt.

i have tried that secret clinical strength, but it didnt help too much.

am i using it wrong or something?

what can stop this bad sweating?

%26amp; its not like smelly, honestly it doesnt even hardly smell. its jsut the wetness.... i shower and put on antipersperant every day

can anyone help me?


Sweating problem? =(?
If you are really concerned go to a Dermatologist. Although, I had the same problem when I was a teenager. I used Michtum unscented for men, the solid bar kind and it worked really well. Now, it's no longer a problem.

A lot of times the problem is hormonal and it is temporary while going through puberty (I'm sure that is probably your case).

Try the Michtum, I've recommended it a lot and it seems to work with most people, but if you are trully concerned, tell your parents and have them take you to a Dermatologist.
Reply:Use a guys deoderant in a smell that you think smells good. it will help a lot!
Reply:Go to a doctor - they can give you some stuff you will put under your arm pits, or wherever you need it a couple of weeks, usually at night and then you won't sweat so much there. It's pretty easy to take care of really but it is prescription stuff
Reply:I was just like you for years - SO embarrassed about it and even carried anti-persperant with me to work and school so I could use it in the washrooms at lunch and stuff.

Last year I heard about this stuff called CertainDri (actually, here on Answers!) so I thought why not, and bought some to try.

I SWEAR by this stuff now!! You put it on at night (just 2 swipes) and it doesn't wash off or anything. It works SO WELL and after a while you can start putting it on just every other day and then once a week. Because of the way it works, it won't wash off in the shower or anything. It does take a couple of days to start working so give it time.

It's worth the $8 you pay for it. I still wear a regular deodorant in the morning just for the scent. But CertainDri will work wonders for you - I guarantee it! NO other over the counter product has worked for me (even Secret Clinical Strength) until I tried this.


Sweating on face !?

cos it`s summer in australia im sweating alot.

not much on my body but lke my face.

so is there any facial products that i can use to stop sweating so much on my face? cos the sweats ruined my makeup.

please help, thank you so much !

Sweating on face !?
me to
Reply:In the summer my skincare and makeup system is totally different. Make sure you're using a light water based foundation that won't clog up your skin and make you sweat more. I usually only wear a white or nude cream eyeshadow, eyeliner and waterproof mascera, and some good tinted lip balm. It's really quick to apply and it's stuff you can easily keep in your purse.

Make sure you're moisturizing with something that has SPF. It'll also help your skin stay refreshed so it doesn't have to sweat as much.
Reply:DON'T. Don't do anything. Your face is supposed to sweat and your best bet is to be as hydrated as possible. Drink alot of water and herb teas. Do not use make-up except for maybe water proof mascara and maybe some lip liner and gloss. If you want beautiful skin that rarely shrivals up with age then you need to sweat. The perspiration keeps your oils flowing, pours clean and the skin supple. Wash your face with a mild soap and use a gentle moisturizer elsewhere on your face except around forehead, nose and chin, pat dry and just leave it alone. I recommend oil of olay products. Maybe exfoliate with a gentle scrub once a week. I have the same problem. I live in Alaska now but even in the summer here at 70 and 80 degrees I sweat alot and my face is always dripping and there is nothing you can do about it except stay outdoors in the breeze or sit in front of a fan. Its a blessing in disquise because I'm 40 years old and most people guess me to be about 27 or 28 years old. I also get compliments on my skin too. I do use make up in the colder months but I'm sure to keep my face clean and even then..if the temp is up in the house..sure enough..I break out in a light sweat. Its frustrating but your skin is the bodies airconditioner and its doing its job and is nice and healthy. Just maybe keep a bandana handy...start a collection. Use a little sun block too so that your skin is protected from the sun. Take care now. Love in Christ, ~J~
Reply:just put deoderant on your face. . . it workss for me :)

Sweating palms...?

the palms of my hands sweat alot like even if im just sitting in class or something that your hands wouldnt usually sweat at. is there anything to stop or reduce the sweating?

Sweating palms...?
Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, can affect up to three percent of the population.

It usually begins early in life, and 50 to 60 percent of hyperhidrosis patients have a family history of the disorder.

Hyperhidrosis can occur almost anywhere on the body. Usually it affects the palms of the hands, soles of the feet or the underarms.

These symptoms can be socially and professionally debilitating.

Medical treatment options for hyperhidrosis include:

* Biofeedback

* Iontophoresis (applying a low-intensity electric current while the affected areas are immersed in an electrolyte solution)

* Topical antiperspirants

* Medical therapy

* Botulinum toxin

Surgical Option

However, not all patients respond to these treatments. For patients with severe hyperhidrosis, surgery is the treatment of choice. Surgeons at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics now perform a new, minimally invasive procedure to safely and effectively treat hyperhidrosis.

Surgeons at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics now perform a new, minimally invasive procedure to safely and effectively treat hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. The procedure is known as ETS, or micro-invasive endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. It involves removing the portions of the sympathetic nerve chain that cause the excessive sweating.
Reply:Baby powder
Reply:My palms sweat a lot too, I just make sure to wash my hands a lot and I carry a small, travel-size thing of baby powder in my purse or backpack that I put on my hands after I wash them, it helps absorb the extra moisture.
Reply:stop giving hand jobs under the desk.

Really, it works for sweaty armpits too!
Reply:You can keep tissues in your pocket one in left and one in right and when they get swetty just put your hands in your pocket and wipe them of or do you use a lot of hand cream? Dont use so much thats your body telling you your skin cant breath.

Help, I'm sweating. I'm only 39.?

Other systoms of early menopause? breasts have increased in size, put on weight around tummy. I take the pill for acne, I take efexor XR high dose for depression since May 07, but sweating is now worse as the weather warms up. I have taken other anti depressants with no sweating problems in previous years. Sweating occurs anytime including night time. My hair goes curly if I sweat and its curly now each morning. Mainly underarm, groin area, back of neck and face. Blood tests found no thyroid or infection problems. When on antibiotics the sweating stopped.

Help, I'm sweating. I'm only 39.?
Jenn, you have a severe case of hormonal imbalance.

I hope you want to believe what I am telling you.

I started to have your problems, when I was 35, I am 43 now. According to the doctors I suppose to have hysterectomy, I was on birth control pills, for 4 years to control my period and my burning feet. I was sleeping in a very cold room and only a lite blanket on. For burning feet I found out I have deficiency of Vitamin B1 and B6. In just 4 days after using those, I felt better.

I use to take Effexor but the side effects were to bad for me , and i quit, but I had at least 8 other kinds.

I started to use Natural progesterone cream, beside the Vit. B1 and B6(100mg), My period is liter, no more acne, no more depression.

I hope you try it, and I am sure this will be your answer too.
Reply:I think it is signs of early menopause and also a side effect of the effexor. I am 42 and also am on Effexor and started the sweats approx 5 years ago.

Sweating Issue?

So I just can't stop sweating! I'm ALWAYS sweatin! I sweat a lot at gym along my hairline and on my hands and obviously at my armpits. Is this normal? And I've used a lot of different deoderants. The last one I've used is Secret Clinical Strength, but I still sweat...a lot. Even if I put on pounds of it, it still doesn't work! What can I do to stop this? I hate being so uncomfortable all day.

Sweating Issue?
Hey! i know how you feel, and yes sweating after going to the gym is quite normal..haha i dont know if you have heard of the product CertainDri, you put it on before you go to bed and it will stop your sweating for the next day. Its amazing but make sure not to use it immediatly after shaving because it will irritate your skin. Other then that, its awesome!
Reply:Go to a doctor. You probably have a hormonal imbalance. It can be fixed.
Reply:Go to the doctor. My best friend had this problem but she got this thing and it takes out all the sweat glands and you need it once a week. She told me that it's great- she doesn't even need to put on deoderant anymore!
Reply:It could be thyroid problems. That's what my doctor tested me for when I told her about it.

You could also just have overactive sweat glands, like myself.

I've found that if I don't worry about I don't sweat as much, but I still sweat.

If your glands are just overactive then you can get Botox injections from a dermatologist to stop the sweating.
Reply:its normal to sweat maybe when you got to the gym you should drink a lot of water and wear something cooler and try not to over work yourself and stay relaxed and take a cold shower and keep using deodorant
Reply:I have the same problem. Everyone says the same thing, take drisol and certain dri and deoderants..........but here recently i have discovered if you take about 2 prenatal vitamins a day, you wont sweat at all. Its the vitamin zinc!!!!!!


Sweating help?

I sweat so much i even sweat when i'm a sleep and when i'm in partys it gets too hot and i don't like the people gathering around me because i get to hot i take a baths 2 times in one day due to the sweating i want to stay cool inside my body not hot do u know anything i can do my mum tells me to put lemon in water and drink itm shall i

Sweating help?
for your armpits, I found certain-dri! Its a lifesaver! and I noticed that I felt a lot better/less hot since I started using it...its a strange concept, but hey it works!
Reply:i used to have exactly the same problem so i started using scented baby powder it absorbs up all the sweat and if this doesnt work try using the baby powder then use anti - persperent straight after but not to close so it doesnt get rid of the baby powder. It doesnt have to be baby powder it can jus be any form of scented powder. i hope this help please tell me if it does

Sweating after Play?

I have had this issue with sweat that I came here for. I am a Jr. in high school, I have Basketball Gym third period and after that I sweat and feel uncomfortably hot for 2/3 more periods. I am in good psychical condition, I am 6'5 and weigh 176 pounds. I have had a hard time trying to figure out how to stop sweating once I start. Help would be apreciated...

Sweating after Play?
i have the same problem. it feels like im still playing the sport even though im just sitting in a class reading a book. i just take off my shoes, that usually helps some to release my heat.

Sweating in babies from the cradle.?

My baby is an eleven months baby now, but have this problem of sweating almost every where in her body especially her forhead.She eats and plays fine but sweats profusely especially at night even when we (parents) dont sweat.Could someone please give me a hint as to what is wrong b/4 i see the doc.

Sweating in babies from the cradle.?
You're probably keeping her too warm. Many people make this mistake of over-dressing thier babies, thinking that they'll be cold. In reality, you should dress your baby like you dress yourself. If you're comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt, she will be too.

And don't bundle her up at night with footy pajamas, a heavy blanket, etc. that's too hot. You'd wake up sweating too!

The interior temperature of your house (year round) should be between 68 - 72 degrees fahrenheit.
Reply:Two of my three children sweated as babies from around 4 months of age, and still do (eldest is 8 yrs old). Some children are sweaters other aren't. No doctor has ever been worried about it that I have come across.
Reply:Babies temps go up when they sleep, causing some to sweat I suggest removing whatever you put her in to sleep in at night time. My daughter slept in a diaper and tee-shirt year round even during Central New York's bitter winters. Sometimes she slept in just a diaper, no covers in the summer.
Reply:Some people sweat a lot, especially when they sleep. My husband and daughter sweat a lot. When my daughter was a baby, she sweat while she was sleeping and so I dressed her lightly and/or didn't use a blanket, depending upon the season. Now that she is 6, I let her decide what to wear when she sleeps.
Reply:my son is 11 months old to. and he is fine during the day but when he sleeps he sweats a bit. so when i put he's pj's on i don't put him in anything to hot and i don't put a singlet on him unless it is really cold but most of the time he kicks his blankets off in the middle of the night but he is fine. if you are really worried although you shouldn't be just give your doctor a call and they can put your mind at rest.

everything is fine good luck.

Sweating at night ?

I am a male, in my 20's. Lately , I find I am starting to sweat at night, to the point where I wake up drenched. This problem happened about the same time for a few months last year too. I have my window open, the room is cold , yet I still sweat alot. Sometimes i wake up , and I am very cold , yet still sweating . I am not overweight, do not smoke , drink very little alcohol and I am a healthy weight. What could this be ?

Sweating at night ?
Go see your doctor.
Reply:..don't use alcohol %26amp; drink a lot of water.
Reply:You could be sick. Maybe going to the doctor to get checked up. In the meantime to control the sweating, use GoldBond!
Reply:Hi, night sweats are an early indication of many things, including TB and liver disease, if it continues go to the doc


Sweating profusely?

I'm sweating profusely in my thigh/private area. The smell is terrible. I'm not doing strenuous activity, or in the heat, nor am I overweight. I'm just sitting around the house, and I'm sweating. My pants are actually starting to get wet from all the sweat. What's going on?

Sweating profusely?
are you diabetic ???

do you sit on leather ???

wearing synethetics ??? (cotton breathes)

why not air your crotch out once-in-awhile....
Reply:have u been under stress that might have been causing u too sweat???
Reply:Hair can cause sweatiness.. trim it. Use talcom powder.

Sweating vs loosing weight?

I exercise a lot and I noticed I dont sweat as much as others who practically do nothing compared to me...I thought maybe because my body was used to my work out but I remembered even when I first started it was the same question is: if I want to lose weight but dont sweat a lot is it a problem? since I always assumed sweating when exercising will help you lose more weight.

Sweating vs loosing weight?
Nope its completely normal, everybody sweats differently, when you workout dont go by your sweat amount, just make sure your heart rate is in your target heart rate range.
Reply:If you lose weight while exercising it's water weight from sweating. It's not a problem that you are not sweating a lot. People typically sweat when they exercise because their body temperature warms up. Sweat is the way the body tries to cool itself. Sweating while exercising will not necessarily help you lose more weight. You might want to up the intensity of your workouts. It should make you start to sweat and then you might feel better about your workout. I know I usually feel like my workout has done a better job if I'm dripping sweat by the end! Good luck!

How to stop sweating buckets of sweat no matter the tempreture?

im 15 and i can be the middle of winter and if i go for a run or put on to many layers of cloths i sweat really bad.

what can i do to sto sweating so much? i dont even have to be working hard it can just be a short light jog and i will be dripping with sweat everytime is there anything i can do to sweat less?

How to stop sweating buckets of sweat no matter the tempreture?
See a doctor. You might have hyperhydrosis, which is a medical condition.

Steriods and sweating ........ plz help?

My boyfriend was taking steriods for a year (injecting nandralone and sustanon, taking the little pink pills (dianabol I think) for about a year.

HES BEEN OFF THEM FOR 6 MONTHS and now is sweating excessively every night soaking the sheets and quilts and sometimes me.

Its affecting both our sleep and is not nice at all, does anyone have any advice on how to stop this sweating, Ive read that beta blockers can help but he is also taking diclafenac %26gt;for sciatica pain%26lt; which by the looks of wont be compatible as they both reduce blood pressure.

Steriods and sweating ........ plz help?
he needs to go in rehab he probably stopped cold turkey, and he needed weened off it seek a Dr for a referral to a psychiatrist
Reply:he needs rehab
Reply:......................... /´¯/)



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..............\.......... ...\ NEVER DO DRUGS!!!!!
Reply:try this article


Sweating hands?

I sweat a lot, my hands sweat a lot when I play tennis.

If your hand is wet from sweating you don't have control anymore over your racket. It turns around in your hand.

What to do?

Sweating hands?
don't use a glove. you'll get laughed at. thats for racquetball. it won't help anyway. you can try the chalk...i'd just bring my towel with me (like the pros) and towel your hands off in between points. toweling yourself off in between points will also give you a nice breather/chance to get your thoughts together.
Reply:chalk bag I use one for rock climbing. I'm sure you could come up with a small one that you could tack on to your skirt. just dust your hands when you get a chance.
Reply:wear grip gloves.
Reply:Get Sweat Absorbing Overgrip.
Reply:Can't Kill Time is right. A chalk bag will work wonders. It works for pool, and bowling. It's bound to work for your tennis racket.
Reply:1. Get overgrip

2. Wear sweatbands, because much of the sweat isn't from your palms, but sweat that drips down from your arms.

3. Get some kind of gel drying agent for hands. Prince makes some and there is one called DRY STUFF that you can find ont the internet. It is the best I have used.

4. Towel off constantly.

Personally I wouldn't use a glove because you don't feel the racquet as well. But to each his own.
Reply:botox your hands to kill of your sweat glands
Reply:it sounds pretty bad. you can actually have an operation to make them normal.
Reply:Sawdust works very well. Ivan Lendl and Michael Jordan used it before every match/game to avoid getting sweaty hands and it obviously worked well for them. Also, there are non-sweat grips you can buy that stay sticky even when your hand gets wet. In fact, the wetter they get, the stickier they become. Just go down to your local tennis pro shop and they should have a selection to choose from.

Sweating? Why ?

In the last week I have noticed that I am sweating a little more then usual. For example my feet never sweat before; and lately they are digusting by the end of the day! I have tried wearing different types of socks shoes etc. I can't seem to get them to stop; is this a medical condition, I also sweat under arms more lately as well. Kinda gross, how do you get it to stop?

Sweating? Why ?
Your anti-depressant is the contributor. My dad went through the same thing. The best solution is after your morning shower rub baby powder into your feet and pour just a touch of it into your socks. It is cheap and works wonders. Also Mitchum for women will stop the smell and stains of sweat under your armpits combine with a little baby powder if the sweating is really bad.

I know it sounds weird but it works and you'll feel fresh all day.
Reply:no, its pueberty
Reply:you're going through puberty or maybe it just happened. try gold bond
Reply:For your feet, , try wearing sandals rather than shoes...try to get the areas that sweat exposed to air so that they can dry quickly....or else it might result in fungus (feet)
Reply:It's the bodys cooling mechanism.

Have you been sick or running a temperature at all?
Reply:There is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis that causes profuse sweating.

Here is a link:

It is a very real condition, my husband has suffered from it his whole life. Since you have only started having trouble recently, I would guess that your sweating is probably due to a drug interaction or anxiety, but hyperhidrosis is always a possibility.

Sweating a lot?

I seem to sweat a whole lot while at the gym. I'm 18, 5'7'', 127lbs and workout 5x a week (have been for about 4 months now). My workout isn't even that vigorous. Yet, after about 30 minutes...I'm drenched. Why is that?

I don't normally sweat that much. I don't believe it's the clothes I'm wearing or anything like that. And yes, I use anti-perspirant and deodorant daily. Why am I sweating so much??

Sweating a lot?
that happens to me too.

well it could be the clothes

try wearing loose clothes, it'll let air get to your body and cool it off so you wont sweat as much. that works for me

Sweating profusely?

im on some medications and they all have side effects of sweating profusely. i already use to sweat a lot before i started the meds. its been in the hundreds here and i just sweat so much. is there anything i can do? i cant stop taking the meds. and im tired of walking around soaking wet all the time its embarrassing. please be serious because im not joking about this question. thank you

Sweating profusely?
i used to sweat a lot when i was nervous. i started using certain dri- a fairly cheap deodorant u put on at night before u go to bed (it stings a lil at first but after a while u won't notice it at all), and now i almost never do. i try to remember to use it every night, but sometimes i forget. regardless it made a huge difference. just follow the directions exactly (only use at night, etc). otherwise i'd consult a dr. i believe they can perscribe stuff for that?

The above sites may give you the info you need.
Reply:Hello, i agree with using certain dri. they have it for daytime and night time. i live in nevada and boy is it hot . it is the only thing i have found that keeps me from sweating. just dont use it directly after bathing wait about 15 minutes and you wont have the stinging effects....


Sweating hands?

I sweat a lot, my hands sweat a lot when I play tennis.

If your hand is wet from sweating you don't have control anymore over your racket. It turns around in your hand.

What to do?

Sweating hands?
don't use a glove. you'll get laughed at. thats for racquetball. it won't help anyway. you can try the chalk...i'd just bring my towel with me (like the pros) and towel your hands off in between points. toweling yourself off in between points will also give you a nice breather/chance to get your thoughts together.
Reply:chalk bag I use one for rock climbing. I'm sure you could come up with a small one that you could tack on to your skirt. just dust your hands when you get a chance.
Reply:wear grip gloves.
Reply:Get Sweat Absorbing Overgrip.
Reply:Can't Kill Time is right. A chalk bag will work wonders. It works for pool, and bowling. It's bound to work for your tennis racket.
Reply:1. Get overgrip

2. Wear sweatbands, because much of the sweat isn't from your palms, but sweat that drips down from your arms.

3. Get some kind of gel drying agent for hands. Prince makes some and there is one called DRY STUFF that you can find ont the internet. It is the best I have used.

4. Towel off constantly.

Personally I wouldn't use a glove because you don't feel the racquet as well. But to each his own.
Reply:botox your hands to kill of your sweat glands
Reply:it sounds pretty bad. you can actually have an operation to make them normal.
Reply:Sawdust works very well. Ivan Lendl and Michael Jordan used it before every match/game to avoid getting sweaty hands and it obviously worked well for them. Also, there are non-sweat grips you can buy that stay sticky even when your hand gets wet. In fact, the wetter they get, the stickier they become. Just go down to your local tennis pro shop and they should have a selection to choose from.

Sweating Problem?

My friend Mckenzie has a really bad sweating problem. She sweats all the time even if we just walk up stairs. and when she runs its horrible!! She has tried all Teen Spirit deorendets and they dont work for her and she puts on loads of the gel deorendet and it makes her sweat a little less but its still bad! he has pit stains in all her shirts! She has seen a doctor but that was no help! What should see do!!

Sweating Problem?
Well, you (uh.. i mean "your friend") should use Secret Clinical deoderant.
Reply:welllll she should go find all the deoderant in the store and buy it all and try them out
Reply:Always talk to your doctor first about your health issues. Hyperhidrosis (over sweating) could have serious underlying causes that may require surgery or antibiotics in severe cases. Only your health care provider can diagnose these types of issues.

Check your local drug store or grocery store for an antiperspirant/deodorant. Make sure it says antiperspirant on the label. Try a few and determine if any of them reduce the amount you sweat.

Should your doctor deem your sweating is normal ask him/her about Drysol. Drysol is aluminum cholride and when applied to the underarms works to shrink the sweat glands. It is a prescription medication and should only be used with a doctor's guidance.

Try wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath your normal shirts. This will be your first line of defense against sweat puddles forming on your outer shirt. Also, the white t-shirts are easy to bleach/oxy-clean the stains out of. However, this may have the opposite of the desired effect, especially if the shirt makes you too hot or gets bunched in your armpits.

If it happens to be your feet that are sweating excessivly, try taking an extra pair of shoes and socks with you in the morning. Change both about halfway through your day. While it won't eliminate the sweating it will keep your feet dry.

Make sure you shower/bathe regularly. This will help to minimize effects of oversweating.

Drink plenty of water. it both dilutes the concentration of the your bodily effluents and it cleanses the whole system.


If you don't want it (the sweat marks) to show, wear a dark colored shirt.


Nothing compares to a health care provider's professional opinion. Always check with your doctor first.

It has been a theory that aluminum used in antiperspirants travel throughout the body, and may get lodged on your brain. This is what scientists believe cause Alzheimer's Disease. However, this is only a guess proven by some experiments and disproved by others. Don't take this idea seriously until it is actually proven.
Reply:certin dri works great.

and btw, some deoderants actually make you sweat more so you use more product.

stupid i know

but yeah she should use certian dri, which you can find at target or walgreens.

she should also use dove radient silk, i use both and they work great!
Reply:Tell her to go see a dermatolist they can prescribe her a prescribtion deotorant or give her botox in her arm pits.
Reply:i would tell her to lay low and just take her time! try a shower every morning and tell her to keep re applying deoderant like every hour during school and stuff. i have no clue how bad it really is, but honestly just be friends with her, and thats all you can give her! hope this helped!
Reply:Secret deodorant has worked for me for years. but the past year i have been sweating more and it isnt working anymore. I looked online at and saw that there were some deodorants for sale that were like 20 bucks. Cant say anything for or against them because i didnt try them, but maybe a more expensive deodorant is nessesary... also... she should be SURE that her deodorant says antiperspirant on it. That is what protects against moisture.
Reply:certain dri.

use it at night, no more than three strokes.

it'll take a few days, but it changed my life basically.

i used to never wear fitted shirts in fear of pit stains

but now i wear them all the time

just use it at night and then use a regular deodorant for smell in the morning.

it works wonders

you can get it at cvs.
Reply:The world is coming 2 a end because U...I mean ur friend sweated. Well, maybe she, you, who, should lose some weight maybe there on the umm round end of the spectrum.
Reply:hey ,

have you heard about that site called stop sweating and start living , they offer a book that carries the same title, i bought that book some time ago and my sweating problems have gone for good, here is the link to it , hope it helps.


Sweating during workouts...?

How much is too much sweating? When I work out (it's a normal workout, not that tough), I sweat a lot. I usually work out about an hour and fifteen minutes, and by the end, my shirt is nearly soaked and my face is dripping with sweat. In football in high school, I was on the kickoff team - five minutes after I got off the field, kids were still asking if I just got out (of the game). I just want to know if it's something I need to be extremely aware of or am I OK doing the workouts I do now?

I'm 6' 0'', 210 lbs. if it helps at all...

Sweating during workouts...?
Sweating is actually a really good, one it means that your are well hydrated, and another the more you sweat the more toxins your getting out of your body. Sweat also helps clean your face and clear up acne. If you drink plenty plenty of water.
Reply:dont worry bro! ur normal. i have a friend who sweats like that constantly. he plays on my basketball team and he can play for 3 minutes and sweat crazily. i think it just depends on your body buildup and how hard u work on that football field or when u work out!

Sweating During Sex, Good or Bad??

My husband is 29yrs old/ and we have been together for 6yrs and married 3yrs on Aug.1,2007 (yes same day)

But when my husband %26amp; I have sex, He tends to sweat alot and its turing me off and not wanting it from him as much as I used to

He says its normal but I disagree, cause he didnt sweat when we meet 6yrs ago this just started happing like this this year and I'm thinking something else might be wrong cause sometimes he will lose his erection durin sex

So I wanted all your opions - Is Sweating during Sex, A Good thing or bad thing??

Sweating During Sex, Good or Bad??
it's not a good or bad thing it just happens my fiance sweats a lot but I love it shows me he's working hard to please me. plus I think the sweat is sexy. if you don't like it try a position where he doesn't have to do as much that way your one sweating.
Reply:it means your working out, its a good thing
Reply:Not to be sound harsh, but could it be that he's doing all the work?
Reply:he might just be drinking too much water. is it really rough sex. i need to paint a better mental picture ;)
Reply:Tell him to start working out and he will get in better shape and sweat less.
Reply:Haha well.. Well if it bothers you, u could try turning on your aircon. It should help a little. Orrrrr you could take control and do most of the 'work'.

: )
Reply:Sweating and losing his erection... he's out of shape. Hit the gym and then he can hit the.... ya know.... anyhow, his blood flow is worse and hes in worse shape now that he's getting older. Everyone is turning to Viagra but most of them just need to bust out a few more sit ups ect.
Reply:Has he gained weight in the last few years? Sex is a physical act and you do burn calories while doing it. Some call it a sport. Others call it an exercise. As far as the loss of erection during sex, that will happen as men get older. If you don't believe me just tune in to Talk Sex With Sue on the Oxygen Channel Sunday evenings at 11pm est or go to the website. It has the same name as the show.
Reply:Did he gain waight over the past 6 years? Is so that would answer both of your questions. He's getting a work out during sex, with the thrusting and what-not, and if his out of shape that would explane why he sweats alot.

Also if he's out of shape that would also explane why he can't keep a hard-on.

If he's the same waight as when you guys started dating then I don't know...
Reply:In a Rolling Stone interview Gwen Stefani did after a show with No Doubt in Dubai, the writer asked her why she got so sweaty, or something to that extent. To paraphrase her response: "It doesn't smell, see" and she raised a drenched top she'd just changed out of, lifting it to the writer's face. He admitted it did not smell at all.

I would have no problem if Gwen Stefani sweat all over me, in any circumstance. Now, lately I smell like taco seasonings when I sweat, so it's not a universally good thing as you can imagine. Perhaps Ms. Stefani loves the smell of tacos during, but I'd have to imagine she, and most people, would not. I personally don't dig most pungent odors, but most girls don't really smell bad after a work out, just human, and within the context of sex that's a good thing I'd say.

Really sweating is very healthy for the most part. I am sure its a symptom of some condition, but I think most heavy sweaters are healthy. There's a slew of things that can cause a guy yo lose wood, but if I was your man I imagine I'd pick up on how grossed out you were getting, and I might then lose wood (it's an awful feeling to gross out a lover).


Have your man take a shower before the act. He will still sweat, but the whole thing won't be as smelly (it is bacteria on the body that stinks the most and he can wash a good deal of it off).


Do him while you're on top. He'll work less, sweat less, and what sweat there is will not drip on you.


Antiperspirant, not just on the pits.


AC, and not under the covers, and witha fan beating on you. And be gentle about the whole "you sweat too much deal."

To answer your question more succinctly, sweating during the act is cool if it isn't super stinky, and if it isn't a river of sweat (though again, Gwen can practically drown me, I'll be fine).
