Thursday, May 7, 2009


is sweating good for you? and can it help you loose weight?

Sweating is great, in that it helps to clean out the toxins from your body. However, the only weight you are losing, is water weight. If you are dehydrated, it hurts your bodies ability to function properly. Lose weight naturally, but proper nutrition and healthy exercise. Make sure you are drinking enough water. What I have been told is a good amount, is to take your weight, divide it in half, and drink that number of ounces of water each day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water.
Reply:yes its good for you, but when u sweat you should drink lots of water.
Reply:yes. very much, it releases toxin from your body

and somewhat replenishes it.
Reply:Depends if your working out its great if you sweating profusely from inactivity or heat you got a problem
Reply:yes it can...your body is 75% water i believe and if your loose the water you loose the wieght..
Reply:Sweating is great for you! It might not HELP you lose weight, but it's a sign you are! Of course, when you're exercising. It means you're successfully burning off calories.
Reply:good for u, keep on drinking h20
Reply:Sweating is good in relationship to cleaning the pores of your skin.But in terms of losing weight, you would have to sweat continually for a long while to lose any substantial weight.It is no good for anyones health to try to overdo working up a sweat.
Reply:sweating is really good for you if do by exercising, it's like a self cleansing system, at the same time your are toning your body and help you loose weight. Drink a lot of water so you can compensate the lost fluids.
Reply:It could help you lose some weight.Put you should ALWAYS take a bottle of WATER so you don't end up in the hospital.
Reply:Sweating is your body's way of releasing toxins, so yes, it is good for you. It is also a way of regulating body temperature. When you exercise, sweat that is lost must be replaced, so drink lots of water. Any weight that is lost through sweating is just water weight, so it will come right back as soon as you replenish your fluids. However, if you really work up a sweat working out, it's a sign that you're working hard and burning calories, which will result in more noticeable weight loss.


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