Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sweating.. ?

Someone told me that sweating makes you lose weight more.. is it true? And are more heavier people not able to sweat faster?

Sweating.. ?
it doesn't make you lose 'weight' (fat or muscle), it makes you lose water. athletes weigh themselves before and after exercise to measure how much they have sweated during a session, and replace their fluids and electrolytes (salts) eg one kilo of sweat requires one litre of water drunk after exercise.

the purpose of sweat is to cool the body - when your muscles work, all the little muscle fibres rub on each other, and the friction causes heat. If your body puts water on its surface, and that evaporates, it is going to cool your skin, and the rest of your body, quickly. fat people tend to sweat more because fat produces more frictional heat than muscle when you exercise, and because their tolerance for exercise is much lower.

being dehydrated can be very bad for you - it slows your metabolism a lot, so you actually burn less calories in your exercising - so keep the water up and do more exercise!
Reply:yes it does also sweats out the poison in your body

it's true.. my sister is heavy and she sweats alot

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