Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sweating and physical fitness?

Well...this is about sweat basically. I have noticed that I tend to be a moist man LOL...I sweat very easily...but it's not necessarily because I'm exerting myself physically. I don't feel short of breath and my heart isn't racing...I'm just very sweaty. And I'm a large man. First of all I was born large and have a large build...on top of that I am overweight and I'm a powerlifter/ I'm a whole lot of man. I noticed that my dad sweats even more and easier than I do but he's always been what would be considered very "fit" and "in shape"....being a lifetime athlete. Some people say I sweat cuz I'm fat...others say I might have a high metabolism...others just don't know. I also wonder because I saw a guy at my school sweating an IMMENSELY INSANE degree while walking...his shirt was soaked along with his head...but he was very athletic looking...not "out of shape" in the least...and he made my DAD look dry.

So what does it all mean?

Sweating and physical fitness?
I know that sweating is a good thing, it's nothing to be ashamed is a healthy thing. Excessive sweating can be a nusance but as far as health goes, from your info provided I would say that you're ok. It probably comes from your athletic nature...BTW, be proud that you are fit and in shape. Sweating comes w/ the territory of fitness:)

PS I'm a female, and I know when I sweat while working out, I'm keeping my body in shape, in health, and exercising my heart. I actually like it when I sweat...
Reply:Hey man I am 6'2 18 years old and about 350 and I used to sweat like CRAZY i mean disgustingly and now I am in college and sit by some pretty sexy ladies so when i walk to class across campus (IN SUNNY LAS VEGAS) i cant help to sweat but i slightly emotionally tried to fix it to not be disgusting i am a somewhat in shape fat guy like yourself although you seem more in shape by far but i just walk at my own pace and wipe off my sweat when it comes baby let it go i dont really know my point but good luck lol peace ;)!

asparagus fern

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